Gastrointestinal Radiology
352 gamuts
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abdominal abscess
abdominal calcification in an infant or child
abdominal lymphadenopathy
abdominal wall calcification
abdominal wall mass
abnormal abdominal vessels
abnormal left upper quadrant abdominal gas collection
abnormal position of stomach
abnormal right upper quadrant abdominal gas collection
abnormal small bowel position
abnormality on splenic arteriography
acquired esophageal stenosis
acute nonobstructive small bowel distention
acute pancreatitis
air in esophagus
anechoic liver lesion
annular abdominal calcification
annular lesion of colon
anorectal anomaly
anterior indentation on rectosigmoid junction
aphthoid ulcer of bowel
appendiceal mass
arterial hyperenhancement of focal liver lesion
ascites in an infant or child
asymmetric bowel wall thickening
avascular or hypovascular liver lesion
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benign small bowel tumor
bile duct filling defect
bile duct narrowing or obstruction
biliary dilatation without jaundice or obstruction
biliary obstruction without dilatation
biliary system abnormality
biliary tract filling defect
biliary-enteric fistula
biliary-pleural fistula
blind loop syndrome
bowel ischemia
bowel wall thickening with heterogeneous enhancement
bowel wall thickening with homogeneous enhancement
Budd-Chiari syndrome
bulls-eye lesion of gastrointestinal tract
bulls-eye liver lesion
bulls-eye liver metastasis
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calcification in gallbladder or common bile duct
calcified liver metastasis
calcified pancreatic lesion
caustic esophagitis
cavernous transformation of portal vein
cecal distention
cecal lesion
choledochoenteric fistula
chronic nonobstructive small bowel distention
chylous ascites
colon wall thickening
colonic distention without obstruction
colonic tumor
combined gastric antral and duodenal disease
complex pancreatic lesion
congenital abdominal calcifications
congenital biliary tract abnormality
congenital hepatomegaly
congenital intestinal malrotation
congenital splenomegaly
conical cecum
cystic abdominal mass in a fetus or newborn
cystic and saccular lesions of bile ducts with dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts
cystic and saccular lesions of bile ducts with normal-sized intrahepatic bile ducts
cystic fetal abdominal mass
cystic fetal mid-abdominal mass
cystic fetal upper abdominal mass
cystic liver lesion
cystic liver metastasis
cystic mesenteric lesion
cystic pancreatic mass
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dampened waveform of hepatic vein
decreased abdominal gas in a newborn
decreased abdominal gas in an adult
decreased fold pattern in duodenum and small bowel
deformity of gastric antrum
delayed scintigraphic visualization of gallbladder
diabetes insipidus
diabetes mellitus
diaphragmatic hernia
diffuse bowel wall thickening
diffuse diverticula of esophagus
diffuse gallbladder wall thickening
diffuse hepatic calcifications
diffuse peritoneal thickening
diffusely decreased liver intensity
diffusely dense spleen
dilated bile ducts
dilated intrahepatic ducts
dilated pancreatic duct
dilated small bowel with normal mucosal folds
dilated small bowel with thick mucosal folds
displacement of small bowel loops
distended gallbladder in a child
diverticulum of lower esophagus
diverticulum of mid esophagus
diverticulum of upper esophagus
double bubble sign
double tracking of barium in the distal colon
double-barrel esophagus
duodenal dilatation without obstruction
duodenal narrowing or obstruction
duodenal wall thickening
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echo within gallbladder
echoes within bile ducts
echogenic fetal bowel
emphysematous cholecystitis
enlarged gallbladder
enlarged ileocecal valve
enlarged papilla of vater
erosive gastritis
esophageal atresia
esophageal dysfunction
esophageal dysmotility
esophageal lesion in a child
esophageal plaques
esophageal rupture
esophageal ulceration
esophageal varices
esophageal wall thickening
esophagobronchial fistula
extrinsic deformity of gallbladder
extrinsic impression on the cervical esophagus
extrinsic impression on thoracic esophagus
extrinsic indentation on duodenum
extrinsic vascular impression on esophagus
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fatty infiltration of pancreas
fatty liver
fatty mass in abdomen
fatty pancreas
fatty pancreatic lesion
fetal anterior abdominal wall defect
fetal ascites
fetal hepatosplenomegaly
fetal or neonatal liver calcification
filling defect in gastric remnant
filling defect in stomach
fixed gallbladder filling defect
focal acoustic shadowing in liver
focal bowel wall thickening
focal cystic or low density splenic lesion
focal gallbladder wall thickening
focal high-attenuation liver lesion
focal hyperechoic splenic lesion
focal hypodense liver lesion
focal shadowing pancreatic lesion
fold thickening of stomach and small bowel
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gallbladder empyema
gallbladder hydrops
gallstone ileus
gallstone or gallbladder sludge in a fetus or neonate
gallstone perforation
gas in gallbladder or biliary tract
gas in pancreatic duct
gastric fold thickening
gastric outlet obstruction
gastric ulceration
gastrocolic or gastroduodenocolic fistula
gastrointestinal dysfunction
gastrointestinal system bleeding
gastrointestinal tract fistula
gastrointestinal tract thumbprinting
gastrointestinal tract ulcer
generalized irregular small bowel folds
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hemorrhagic liver lesion
hemorrhagic liver metastasis
hepatic adenoma
hepatic calcification
hepatic fibrosis
hepatic vein dilatation
hepatosplenomegaly in a neonate
high T1 signal intensity liver lesion
high-attenuation bile
hyperdense liver
hyperechoic focus in gallbladder wall
hyperechoic liver
hyperechoic liver lesion
hyperechoic liver metastasis with acoustic shadowing
hypervascular liver lesion
hypervascular liver metastasis
hypervascular pancreatic lesion
hypoechoic liver
hypoechoic liver lesion
hypoechoic liver metastasis
hypoenhancing liver lesion
hypoenhancing liver metastasis
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increased attenuation of gallbladder lumen
increased echogenicity of pancreas
increased periportal signal intensity on MR
increased portal vein flow
increased presacral space
increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
infiltrative liver metastasis
innumerable tiny nodules in small bowel or colon
interstitial emphysema of stomach
intestinal lymphangiectasia
intestinal malrotation
intestinal obstruction
intestinal obstruction in a child
intestinal obstruction in a newborn
intestinal obstruction in an adult
intestinal pseudo-obstruction
intramural gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
isoechoic liver lesion
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large abdominal gas pocket
large fetal abdomen during third trimester
layering abdominal calcifications
lesion of gastric fundus
linear or branching acoustic shadowing in liver
linitis plastica pattern of stomach
liver lesion and elevated alpha fetoprotein
liver lesion with calcification
liver lesion with central scar
liver lesion with contrast fill-in
liver lesion with fluid-fluid level
liver lesion with T2 hypointense rim
liver lesions with no circumferential rim on MR
liver lesions with T1 hypointense rim
lobar or segmental liver perfusion abnormality
localized narrowing of esophagus
low-attenuation liver
lower abdominal mass in a neonate or child
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malabsorption pattern in small bowel
malignant small bowel tumor
marked bowel wall thickening
mass in the porta hepatis
meconium plug
meconium plug in newborn
microcolon in newborn
mild bowel wall thickening
milk of calcium bile
misty mesentery
mixed echogenicity liver metastasis
mucin-secreting liver metastasis
mucocele of gallbladder
mucosal destruction of small bowel
multiple duodenal filling defects
multiple filling defects in colon
multiple hepatic cysts
multiple hypointense liver lesions
multiple small bowel filling defects
multiple solid liver lesions
multiple splenic calcifications
multiple splenic hyperintensities
multiple splenic hypointensities
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non-obstructive gastric dilatation
nonshadowing lesion in the gallbladder
nonvisceral abdominal calcification
nonvisualization of fetal stomach
nonvisualization of gallbladder
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pancreatic calcification
pancreatic calcification without mass
pancreatic duct stricture or filling defect with abnormal parenchyma
pancreatic duct stricture or filling defect with normal parenchyma
pancreatic dysplasia
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
pancreatitis in a child
patchy liver
peliosis hepatis
perforated hollow viscus in an infant
pericholecystic fluid
pericolic abscess
periportal edema
periportal lymphadenopathy
peritoneal disease
pneumatosis intestinalis
pneumoperitoneum with peritonitis
porcelain gallbladder
portal hypertension
portal vein gas
portal vein obstruction
portal vein thrombosis
portal venous hypertension
postbulbar duodenal ulceration
prominent periportal echoes in a neonate
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rectal disease
regenerating liver nodule
regular thickening of small bowel folds
residual intestinal barium
retained material in hypopharynx
ruptured gallbladder
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segmental bowel wall thickening
segmental narrowing of colon
sentinel loop
septated gallbladder
small bowel diverticulum
small bowel pseudodiverticulum
small bowel wall thickening
small gallbladder
small or nonvisualized spleen
smooth colon
solid liver lesion in adult
solid liver lesion in an infant or young child
solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
solid mesenteric lesion
solid pancreatic mass
solitary esophageal filling defect
solitary filling defect in colon
solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
solitary lesion of spleen
solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
solitary splenic calcification
sonographic bulls-eye sign
sonographically complex hepatic mass
splenic calcification
splenic infarction
splenic vein obstruction
splenomegaly with diffuse hyperechoic pattern
splenomegaly with diffuse hypoechoic pattern
splenomegaly with normal echogenicity
spontaneous liver rupture
spontaneous pneumoperitoneum without peritonitis
starry-sky liver
striations in thickened gallbladder wall
subsegmental liver perfusion abnormality
superior mesenteric artery syndrome
symmetric bowel wall thickening
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T1-hyperintense intraluminal gallbladder lesion
T1-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense intraluminal gallbladder lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense periportal tissue
T2-hypointense intraluminal gallbladder lesion
T2-hypointense liver lesion
terminal ileum lesion
thickening of bile duct walls
toxic megacolon
transverse mucosal folds in the esophagus
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upper abdominal mass in a neonate or child
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widening of duodenal C-loop
widespread abdominal calcifications
widespread irregular esophageal mucosa