Pediatric Radiology PD

189 gamuts



abdominal calcification in an infant or child
abnormal position of the heart
acute lung injury and ards in children
acyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary vascularity
acyanotic congenital heart disease with normal pulmonary vascularity
advanced bone age
advanced bone age in a newborn
anomalous thoracic arterial communication
anterior beaked vertebrae in a child
aortic arch anomaly
ascites in an infant or child

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basal cell carcinoma in children
battered child syndrome
bilateral enlargement of the mandible in a child
bilateral pulmonary underaeration
brain tumor in an infant
bubbly lungs in infants and children

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cardiomegaly in childhood
cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
cerebellar mass in a child
choanal atresia
chronic aspiration pneumonia in a child
clavicular lesion in an infant or child
cleft lip/palate
complete atrioventricular canal
complicated atrial shunt
congenital abdominal calcifications
congenital abnormality of great toe
congenital absence of phalanx, digit, hand, or foot
congenital atlantoaxial subluxation or instability
congenital biliary tract abnormality
congenital brain malformation
congenital cardiomyopathy
congenital coxa vara
congenital craniovertebral junction abnormality
congenital elbow anomaly
congenital foot deformity
congenital fused vertebrae
congenital generalized osteoporosis
congenital heart disease
congenital heart disease with anterior right aortic arch
congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary vascularity
congenital hepatomegaly
congenital hydrocephalus
congenital hypodontia
congenital intestinal malrotation
congenital joint subluxation
congenital lobar emphysema
congenital macrocephaly
congenital midface hypoplasia
congenital narrow spinal canal
congenital pharyngeal abnormality
congenital posterior neural arch defect
congenital premature craniosynostosis
congenital prognathism
congenital renal cystic disease
congenital renal or ureteral anomaly
congenital short hands and feet
congenital short limbs
congenital skull defect
congenital splenomegaly
congenital tracheal stenosis x
congenital vertebral abnormality
congenital widespread osteosclerosis
congenitally abnormal pelvis
congenitally abnormal scapula
congenitally limited joint mobility
craniotubular dysplasia
cranium bifidum
cyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary vascularity
cyanotic congenital heart disease with precapillary hypertension vascularity
cystic abdominal mass in a fetus or newborn

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decreased abdominal gas in a newborn
decreased cranial convolutional markings
defective pubic ossification
degenerative and metabolic disorders
delayed bone age
delayed closure of fontanelles
demyelinating disease
destructive nasopharyngeal mass in a child
dilated posterior urethra
disrupted epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction
distended gallbladder in a child
double bubble sign
duplication of great toe
dysmyelinating disease

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early femoral head ossification
eleven pairs of ribs
esophageal lesion in a child

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familial neoplasm
fetal cranial deformity
fetal or neonatal liver calcification

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gallstone or gallbladder sludge in a fetus or neonate

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heart failure in childhood
heart failure in the first month of life
heart failure in the first week of life
hepatosplenomegaly in a neonate
hypospadias or ambiguous external genitalia

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incomplete ossification of cranial sutures
increased bone age
increased cranial convolutional markings
increased prevertebral space in infants or children
increased risk of neoplasm
infratentorial intracranial tumor in a child
inner ear anomaly
intestinal obstruction in a child
intestinal obstruction in a newborn
intracranial lesion in an infant
intraocular mass in a child

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juxtadiaphragmatic lesions in children

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large fontanelle
large hands for age
large head in infant
large vascular grooves of skull
large ventricle in infant
late onset of cyanosis in neonatal congenital heart disease
left-to-right shunt in congenital heart disease
lethal skeletal dysplasia
localized wide epiphyseal plate
lower abdominal mass in a neonate or child

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marked cyanosis in first week of life
meconium plug in newborn
microcolon in newborn
middle ear anomaly
mild or intermittent cyanosis in first week
miliary lung opacities in a neonate or young infant
multiple sclerotic foci in an infant or child

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narrow pelvis in an infant or child
nasal ridge mass in a child
neonatal renal mass
neonatal respiratory distress
nephrogenic rests

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ovarian neoplasm or cyst in a child

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pancreatic dysplasia
pancreatitis in a child
pediatric chest tumor
pediatric chest wall lesion
pelvic exostosis
pelvic mass in an infant or child
perforated hollow viscus in an infant
periauricular pits
periauricular tag
periosteal new bone formation in a child
polyostotic bone lesions in an infant or young child
polyostotic bone lesions in children
posterior fossa tumor in a child
premature epiphyseal fusion
prominent periportal echoes in a neonate

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renal mass in a child
retarded skeletal maturation
rib lesion in a child
right-to-left atrial shunt
right-to-left shunt at ductus level
right-to-left shunt or admixture lesion in congenital heart disease
right-to-left ventricular shunt

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sacral agenesis or hypoplasia
scapular lesion in an infant or child
separation of cranial sutures in a child
shortened bone with premature growth-plate closure
small anterior fontanelle
small sacroiliac notches
small thymus in an infant
soft-tissue tumor in a child
solid liver lesion in an infant or young child
solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
spina bifida aperta
spina bifida occulta
supratentorial intracranial tumor in a child

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testicular tumor in a child
thirteen pairs of ribs
thoracic dysplasia
tracheal agenesis
tracheoesophageal fistula
type A pelvis
type B pelvis

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upper abdominal mass in a neonate or child
upper airway obstruction in a child
urinary tract obstruction below the bladder in a child

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ventricular septal defect

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wide superior mediastinum in an infant or child
Wilms tumor