Genitourinary Radiology GU

234 gamuts



abnormal gas collection in pelvis
abnormality of entire testis
adnexal lesion with high diastolic flow
adrenal calcification
adrenal enlargement
adrenal insufficiency
adrenal pseudotumor
adrenal tumor
ambiguous genitalia
anechoic prostate lesion
anechoic renal mass
anterior urethral stricture
avascular renal mass

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bifid scrotum
bilateral adrenal enlargement
bilateral large kidneys
bilateral or multiple cystic renal masses
bilateral small kidneys
bilateral testicular masses
bilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
bladder calculus
bladder diverticulum
bladder dysfunction
bladder filling defect
bladder tumor
bladder wall calcification

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calcification in bladder wall or lumen
calcifications in female genital tract
calcifications in scrotum
cervical mass
clubbing or destruction of renal calyces
complex cystic adnexal mass
complex pelvic mass
congenital renal cystic disease
congenital renal or ureteral anomaly
cortical nephrocalcinosis
cystic adnexal mass
cystic adrenal lesion
cystic extratesticular mass in scrotum
cystic fetal mid-abdominal mass
cystic fetal pelvic mass
cystic pelvic mass
cystic renal mass
cystic renal mass with internal debris
cystic renal mass with wall calcification
cystic retroperitoneal mass
cystic structure near seminal vesicle
cystic testicular mass

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dark kidney on T2 MRI
decreased nephrogram
decreased renal artery diastolic flow
decreased renal cortical echogenicity
decreased renal transplant function
decreased size of part of a kidney
dense nephrogram
depression in renal margin
diffusely enlarged uterus
dilatation of ureter
dilated posterior urethra
diminished size of renal transplant
displacement of pelvic ureter

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early renal vein opacification
endometrial fluid
endometrial thickening
enlarged prostate
enlarged scrotum
enlargement of renal transplant
epididymal lesion
extratesticular tumor in scrotum
extrinsic pressure deformity of bladder

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fallopian tube calcification
fallopian tube mass
fat-containing renal mass
filling defect in renal collecting system
fluid collection in scrotum
focal bladder wall thickening
focal calcification in kidney
focal defect in nephrogram
focal renal parenchymal scar
free fluid in cul-de-sac

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gas in bladder wall or lumen
generalized bladder wall thickening
genital anomaly
germ cell testicular tumor

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high-density renal cyst
hyperechoic focal uterine lesion
hyperechoic prostate lesion
hyperechoic renal cortex
hyperechoic renal mass
hyperechoic renal medulla
hyperechoic renal parenchyma
hypervascular prostate lesion
hypoechoic prostate lesion
hypoechoic renal mass
hypoplastic labia majora
hypospadias or ambiguous external genitalia

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increased renal artery diastolic flow
increased resistance index of renal transplant
indefinite uterus sign
infundibular narrowing
intraluminal ureteral filling defect
intrarenal contrast collection
isoechoic prostate lesion
isoechoic renal mass

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large bladder
large kidney
large kidneys with multifocal masses
large pelvic soft-tissue mass
large penis
lateral deviation of upper ureter
lesion of perinephric space
localized bulge of renal outline
lower abdominal calcification

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male megalourethra
malposition of kidney
mass displacing kidney
mass in scrotum
medial deviation of upper ureter
medullary nephrocalcinosis
multilocular or complex renal mass
multiloculated cystic renal lesion
multiple ureteral filling defects
mural ureteral filling defect

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neonatal renal mass
nephrogenic rests
non-germ cell testicular tumor
nonfunction of part of kidney

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obstruction of ureter
ovarian cyst
ovarian mass in pregnancy
ovarian neoplasm or cyst in a child
ovarian tumor

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pelvic mass in an infant or child
perinephric hematoma
peripelvic extravasation
peripheral rim enhancement of kidney
perirenal fluid collection
precocious puberty
prominence of central uterine echo

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radiodense urinary calculus
radiolucent urinary calculus
renal artery aneurysm or microaneurysm
renal collecting system echoes
renal cystic disease
renal hemorrhage
renal ischemia
renal mass in a child
renal mass with calcification
renal papillary necrosis
renal parenchymal gas
renal parenchymal tumor
renal pseudotumor
renal vein thrombosis
right anterior pararenal space abscess

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scrotal calcification
seminal vesicle calcification
shadowing mass in renal collecting system
small bladder
small kidney
small urinary bladder
solid extratesticular mass in scrotum
solid ovarian tumor
solid pelvic mass
solid renal mass
solid testicular mass
sonographically ill-defined renal parenchymal mass
striated nephrogram

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T1-hyperintense adnexal mass
T1-hyperintense adrenal mass
T1-hyperintense endometrial uterine mass
T1-hyperintense myometrial uterine mass
T1-hyperintense prostate mass
T1-hyperintense renal mass
T2-dark seminal vesicle
T2-hyperintense adnexal mass
T2-hyperintense adrenal mass
T2-hyperintense endometrial uterine mass
T2-hyperintense myometrial uterine mass
T2-hyperintense prostate mass
T2-hyperintense renal mass
T2-hypointense adnexal mass
T2-hypointense endometrial uterine mass
T2-hypointense myometrial uterine mass
T2-hypointense peripheral zone of prostate
T2-hypointense prostate mass
T2-hypointense renal mass
T2-intermediate adrenal mass
T2-intermediate endometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate myometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate renal mass
testicular anomaly
testicular calcification
testicular tumor in a child

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unilateral absence or blurring of renal outline
unilateral adrenal enlargement
unilateral large kidney
unilateral renal nonfunction
unilateral small kidney
unilateral testicular tumor
unilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
ureteral extravasation or fistula
ureteral stricture
ureteral tumor
urethral filling defect
urethral fistula
urethral outpouching
urethral tumor
urinary tract calculus
urinary tract obstruction below the bladder in a child
urothelial tumor
uterine anomaly

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vaginal anomaly
vaginal atresia
vaginal fistula
vas deferens calcification
vascular indentation on ureter or renal pelvis