Fibrous dysplasia

Fibrous dysplasia is a disorder where normal bone and marrow is replaced with fibrous tissue, resulting in formation of bone that is weak and prone to expansion. As a result, most complications result from fracture, deformity, functional impairment, and pain. [Source: Wikipedia ]

Monostotic fibrous dysplasia
Panostotic fibrous dysplasia
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
May Cause
Abnormal contour of calvarium
Abnormal proximal femur
Absent paranasal sinus
Acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
Asymmetrically large bones of one hand
Basilar invagination
Benign fibrocystic bone lesion
Blow-out bone lesion
Body asymmetry
Bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
Bowed bones
Bowed femur
Bowed tubular bones
Broad tubular bones
Chest wall lesion
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Congenital coxa vara
Congenital hypodontia
Congenital prognathism
Cortical bone thickening
Coxa vara
Craniotubular dysplasia
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Delayed tooth eruption
Dense or thick skull
Dense temporal bone lesion
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffusely dense calvarium
Diffusely dense skull base
Enlarged vertebrae
Expansile bone lesion
External auditory canal stenosis
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial asymmetry
Floating teeth
Focally dense calvarium
Focally dense skull base
Hypoplastic paranasal sinus
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Increased risk of neoplasm
Isolated tibial bowing
Large destructive bone lesion
Large vascular grooves of skull
Leontiasis ossea
Limb asymmetry
Localized bone overgrowth
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Localized cortical bone thickening
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lytic jaw lesion with internal residual bone
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Malformed orbit
Mixed-radiopacity jaw lesion
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multiple opaque jaw lesions
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple well-defined radiolucent jaw lesions
Narrowed superior orbital fissure
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Non-neoplastic bone lesion
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Orbital wall lesion
Orbital wall sclerosis
Osseous paranasal sinus lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Pathologic fracture
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Posterior skull base lesion
Protrusio acetabuli
Pterygopalatine fossa lesion
Radiolucent skull lesion
Rib lesion in a child
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerosis of the orbital roof
Sclerotic foot bone lesion
Sclerotic hand bone lesion
Short rib lesion
Skull asymmetry
Small optic canal
Small orbit
Small sella turcica
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary opacity in jaw
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
T2-hypointense musculoskeletal lesion
Tam-o-shanter skull
Temporal bone osteolysis
Temporomandibular joint disease
Thick clavicle
Thick ribs
Thick tubular hand bones
Tibiotalar tilt
Tumor-induced osteomalacia
Twisted bones
Underdevelopment of mastoids
Unilateral exophthalmos
Well-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Wide diametaphysis
Wide metaphysis
Xanthomatous bone lesion
May Be Caused by
Mazabraud syndrome
Abnormal contour of calvarium
Abnormal proximal femur
Absent paranasal sinus
Acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
Asymmetrically large bones of one hand
Basilar invagination
Benign fibrocystic bone lesion
Blow-out bone lesion
Body asymmetry
Bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
Bowed bones
Bowed femur
Bowed tubular bones
Broad tubular bones
Chest wall lesion
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Congenital coxa vara
Congenital hypodontia
Congenital prognathism
Cortical bone thickening
Coxa vara
Craniotubular dysplasia
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Delayed tooth eruption
Dense or thick skull
Dense temporal bone lesion
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffusely dense calvarium
Diffusely dense skull base
Enlarged vertebrae
Expansile bone lesion
External auditory canal stenosis
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial asymmetry
Floating teeth
Focally dense calvarium
Focally dense skull base
Hypoplastic paranasal sinus
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Increased risk of neoplasm
Isolated tibial bowing
Large destructive bone lesion
Large vascular grooves of skull
Leontiasis ossea
Limb asymmetry
Localized bone overgrowth
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Localized cortical bone thickening
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lytic jaw lesion with internal residual bone
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Malformed orbit
Mixed-radiopacity jaw lesion
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multiple opaque jaw lesions
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple well-defined radiolucent jaw lesions
Narrowed superior orbital fissure
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Non-neoplastic bone lesion
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Orbital wall lesion
Orbital wall sclerosis
Osseous paranasal sinus lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Pathologic fracture
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Posterior skull base lesion
Protrusio acetabuli
Pterygopalatine fossa lesion
Radiolucent skull lesion
Rib lesion in a child
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerosis of the orbital roof
Sclerotic foot bone lesion
Sclerotic hand bone lesion
Short rib lesion
Skull asymmetry
Small optic canal
Small orbit
Small sella turcica
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary opacity in jaw
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
T2-hypointense musculoskeletal lesion
Tam-o-shanter skull
Temporal bone osteolysis
Temporomandibular joint disease
Thick clavicle
Thick ribs
Thick tubular hand bones
Tibiotalar tilt
Tumor-induced osteomalacia
Twisted bones
Underdevelopment of mastoids
Unilateral exophthalmos
Well-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Wide diametaphysis
Wide metaphysis
Xanthomatous bone lesion