Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM), also known as plasma cell myeloma and simply myeloma, is a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell that normally produces antibodies. Often, no symptoms are noticed initially. [Source: Wikipedia ]

OrphaNet reference
Multiple myeloma 
Is A
Lymphoreticular tumor
May Cause
Acquired posterior neural arch defect
Acquired skull defect
Altered calcium concentration
Altered phosphorus concentration
Anterior vertebral scalloping
Bilateral large kidneys
Bilateral small kidneys
Blow-out bone lesion
Brain metastasis
Button sequestrum of skull
Chest wall lesion
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Densely sclerotic vertebra
Destructive lesion in petrous apex
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffuse demineralization of skull
Diffuse gallbladder wall thickening
Distal clavicle defect
Erosion of inner table of skull
Expansile bone lesion
Extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Floating teeth
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Generalized osteopenia or osteolysis of the jaws
Generalized osteoporosis
Hair-on-end skull
Ill-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Intermediate T1 intensity diffuse vertebral body abnormality
Interradicular radiolucency in the jaw
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Large destructive bone lesion
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Lymph node filling defect
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic skeletal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Malignant primary bone neoplasm
Meningeal metastasis
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multiple collapsed vertebrae
Multiple expanding rib lesions
Multiple fractures
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple radiolucent bone lesions
Multiple well-defined radiolucent jaw lesions
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Orbital bony defect
Paranasal sinus mass
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Pericoronal radiolucency in the jaw
Permeative osteolytic lesion
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Polyostotic bone lesions in adults
Posterior skull base lesion
Presacral mass
Protrusio acetabuli
Radiolucent skull lesion
Regional osteoporosis
Renal parenchymal tumor
Renal tubular blockage
Renal vein thrombosis
Resorption of distal clavicle
Retrobulbar mass
Rib fracture
Round cell bone lesion
Round-cell soft-tissue lesion
Sacral neoplasm
Sacrococcygeal lesion
Sacrococcygeal mass
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Skull metastasis
Small kidney
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary ill-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary permeative metaphyseal lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
Spinal osteopenia
Splenomegaly with diffuse hypoechoic pattern
T1-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hypointense musculoskeletal lesion
Temporal bone neoplasm
Temporal bone osteolysis
Thick clavicle
Tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
Tumor-like bone destruction with little periosteal reaction
Unilateral exophthalmos
Urinary tract calculus
Vertebral neoplasm
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
Wedged vertebra
Well-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Wide pubic symphysis
Widespread areas of bone destruction
Widespread cortical bone thinning
Widespread demineralization with coarse trabeculation
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
Widespread soft-tissue calcification
Acquired posterior neural arch defect
Acquired skull defect
Altered calcium concentration
Altered phosphorus concentration
Anterior vertebral scalloping
Bilateral large kidneys
Bilateral small kidneys
Blow-out bone lesion
Brain metastasis
Button sequestrum of skull
Chest wall lesion
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Densely sclerotic vertebra
Destructive lesion in petrous apex
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffuse demineralization of skull
Diffuse gallbladder wall thickening
Distal clavicle defect
Erosion of inner table of skull
Expansile bone lesion
Extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Floating teeth
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Generalized osteopenia or osteolysis of the jaws
Generalized osteoporosis
Hair-on-end skull
Ill-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Intermediate T1 intensity diffuse vertebral body abnormality
Interradicular radiolucency in the jaw
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Large destructive bone lesion
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Lymph node filling defect
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic skeletal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Malignant primary bone neoplasm
Meningeal metastasis
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multiple collapsed vertebrae
Multiple expanding rib lesions
Multiple fractures
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple radiolucent bone lesions
Multiple well-defined radiolucent jaw lesions
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Orbital bony defect
Paranasal sinus mass
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Pericoronal radiolucency in the jaw
Permeative osteolytic lesion
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Polyostotic bone lesions in adults
Posterior skull base lesion
Presacral mass
Protrusio acetabuli
Radiolucent skull lesion
Regional osteoporosis
Renal parenchymal tumor
Renal tubular blockage
Renal vein thrombosis
Resorption of distal clavicle
Retrobulbar mass
Rib fracture
Round cell bone lesion
Round-cell soft-tissue lesion
Sacral neoplasm
Sacrococcygeal lesion
Sacrococcygeal mass
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Skull metastasis
Small kidney
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary ill-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary permeative metaphyseal lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
Spinal osteopenia
Splenomegaly with diffuse hypoechoic pattern
T1-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hypointense musculoskeletal lesion
Temporal bone neoplasm
Temporal bone osteolysis
Thick clavicle
Tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
Tumor-like bone destruction with little periosteal reaction
Unilateral exophthalmos
Urinary tract calculus
Vertebral neoplasm
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
Wedged vertebra
Well-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Wide pubic symphysis
Widespread areas of bone destruction
Widespread cortical bone thinning
Widespread demineralization with coarse trabeculation
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
Widespread soft-tissue calcification