
A lipoma is a benign tumor made of fat tissue. They are generally soft to the touch, movable, and painless. [Source: Wikipedia ]

Is A
Benign neoplasm
Embryonal remnant tumor
May Cause
Abdominal wall mass
Acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
Adrenal tumor
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Appendiceal mass
Avascular or hypovascular liver lesion
Avascular renal mass
Axillary mass
Benign bone neoplasm
Benign small bowel tumor
Benign synovial lesion
Bronchial lesion
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cardiac or pericardial neoplasm or cyst
Cecal lesion
Cerebellopontine angle lesion
Chest wall lesion
Colonic tumor
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Duodenal wall thickening
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged ileocecal valve
Enlarged iliopsoas muscle
Enlarged intervertebral foramen
Enlarged thumb
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Esophageal wall thickening
External auditory canal tumor
Extradural spinal lesion
Fat-attenuation mediastinal mass
Fat-containing renal mass
Fatty liver lesion
Fatty mass in abdomen
Fatty pancreatic lesion
Fatty parapharyngeal space lesion
Fatty tumor of the neck
Filling defect in stomach
Hyperechoic liver lesion
Hyperechoic renal mass
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypodense sellar lesion
Hypodense suprasellar lesion
Hypodense supratentorial lesion
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Indistinct heart border on frontal chest radiograph
Intermuscular soft-tissue tumor
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intramuscular soft-tissue tumor
Intratracheal mass
Juxta-articular soft-tissue mass
Laryngeal tumor
Lesion of gastric fundus
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Localized narrowing of esophagus
Localized soft-tissue calcification
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Metaphyseal bone lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Minimally enhancing intracranial lesion
Multifocal soft-tissue tumor
Multiple small bowel filling defects
Mural ureteral filling defect
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Neck mass
Nonenhancing mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern
Nonvisceral abdominal calcification
Oropharyngeal lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Paranasal sinus mass
Parapharyngeal space lesion
Parasellar lesion
Pediatric chest tumor
Pedunculated intratracheal mass
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Posterior vertebral scalloping
Rectal disease
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retrobulbar mass
Retrosternal mass
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sellar lesion
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Small bowel wall thickening
Soft-tissue neck mass
Soft-tissue tumor in a young adult
Soft-tissue tumor in an older adult
Soft-tissue tumor with associated calcification
Solid liver lesion in adult
Solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
Solid mass in carotid sheath
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solid pancreatic mass
Solid pelvic mass
Solid renal mass
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary esophageal filling defect
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
Solitary large calcified soft tissue mass adjacent to bone
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
Subcutaneous tumor
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Submandibular space lesion
T1-hyperintense extracranial mass
T1-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T1-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense intracranial lesion
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Upper airway obstruction in a child
Ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
Wide spinal canal
Abdominal wall mass
Acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
Adrenal tumor
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Appendiceal mass
Avascular or hypovascular liver lesion
Avascular renal mass
Axillary mass
Benign bone neoplasm
Benign small bowel tumor
Benign synovial lesion
Bronchial lesion
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cardiac or pericardial neoplasm or cyst
Cecal lesion
Cerebellopontine angle lesion
Chest wall lesion
Colonic tumor
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Duodenal wall thickening
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged ileocecal valve
Enlarged iliopsoas muscle
Enlarged intervertebral foramen
Enlarged thumb
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Esophageal wall thickening
External auditory canal tumor
Extradural spinal lesion
Fat-attenuation mediastinal mass
Fat-containing renal mass
Fatty liver lesion
Fatty mass in abdomen
Fatty pancreatic lesion
Fatty parapharyngeal space lesion
Fatty tumor of the neck
Filling defect in stomach
Hyperechoic liver lesion
Hyperechoic renal mass
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypodense sellar lesion
Hypodense suprasellar lesion
Hypodense supratentorial lesion
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Indistinct heart border on frontal chest radiograph
Intermuscular soft-tissue tumor
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intramuscular soft-tissue tumor
Intratracheal mass
Juxta-articular soft-tissue mass
Laryngeal tumor
Lesion of gastric fundus
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Localized narrowing of esophagus
Localized soft-tissue calcification
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Metaphyseal bone lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Minimally enhancing intracranial lesion
Multifocal soft-tissue tumor
Multiple small bowel filling defects
Mural ureteral filling defect
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Neck mass
Nonenhancing mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern
Nonvisceral abdominal calcification
Oropharyngeal lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Paranasal sinus mass
Parapharyngeal space lesion
Parasellar lesion
Pediatric chest tumor
Pedunculated intratracheal mass
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Posterior vertebral scalloping
Rectal disease
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retrobulbar mass
Retrosternal mass
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sellar lesion
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Small bowel wall thickening
Soft-tissue neck mass
Soft-tissue tumor in a young adult
Soft-tissue tumor in an older adult
Soft-tissue tumor with associated calcification
Solid liver lesion in adult
Solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
Solid mass in carotid sheath
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solid pancreatic mass
Solid pelvic mass
Solid renal mass
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary esophageal filling defect
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
Solitary large calcified soft tissue mass adjacent to bone
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spinal block
Subcutaneous tumor
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Submandibular space lesion
T1-hyperintense extracranial mass
T1-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T1-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense intracranial lesion
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Upper airway obstruction in a child
Ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
Wide spinal canal