
Metastasis is a pathogenic agent's spread from an initial or primary site to a different or secondary site within the host's body; the term is typically used when referring to metastasis by a cancerous tumor. The newly pathological sites, then, are metastases (mets). [Source: Wikipedia ]

Metastatic disease
Endobronchial metastasis
May Cause
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal laryngeal cartilage
Abnormal odontoid process
Acquired acro-osteolysis of one digit
Acquired posterior neural arch defect
Acquired skull defect
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Anterior third ventricle lesion
Appendiceal mass
Arterial hyperenhancement of focal liver lesion
Avascular intracranial mass
Avascular renal mass
Avascular zone near the brain surface
Base of tongue mass
Biconcave vertebra
Bilaterally enlarged and heterogeneous parotids
Bile duct filling defect
Biliary-enteric fistula to duodenum or colon
Bladder filling defect
Bladder tumor
Blow-out bone lesion
Bone blister
Bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
Bone sequestrum
Bone tumor with periosteal reaction
Bone-within-a-bone appearance
Bronchopleural fistula
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcified pancreatic lesion
Carotid space mass
Cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
Cecal lesion
Cerebellar lesion
Cerebellar mass in an adult
Cerebellopontine angle lesion
Cerebellopontine angle tumor
Cerebral arterial disease
Chylous ascites
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Colonic tumor
Conical cecum
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic brain tumor with mural nodule
Cystic jaw lesion
Destructive lesion in petrous apex
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffuse hepatic calcifications
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Dilated pancreatic duct
Displaced elbow fat pad
Displacement of pelvic ureter
Displacement of small bowel loops
Distal clavicle defect
Duodenal wall thickening
Early loss of teeth
Enhancing sellar lesion
Enhancing suprasellar lesion
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlarged superior orbital fissure
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Erosion of inner table of skull
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of sphenoid wing
Erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Erosion or widening of the internal auditory meatus
Expansile bone lesion
Extensive pulmonary opacity with cavitation
External auditory canal tumor
Extra-axial lesion
Extraconal orbital lesion
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial nerve lesion outside the temporal bone
Fatty liver lesion
Filling defect in renal collecting system
Floating teeth
Focal defect in nephrogram
Fourth ventricle outlet obstruction
Fourth ventricular lesion
Generalized osteoporosis
Heterogeneous T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
Heterogeneous T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
Homogeneously enhancing intracranial lesion
Hyperdense sellar lesion
Hyperdense suprasellar lesion
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypodense supratentorial lesion
Hypoechoic placental lesion
Hypoechoic renal mass
Ill-defined enlarged thyroid with extrathyroid extension
Ill-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Increased intracranial pressure
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Interradicular radiolucency in the jaw
Intestinal obstruction in an adult
Intracranial arteriovenous shunting
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Intraventricular lesion
Isodense intracranial lesion
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Jugular foramen lesion
Lacrimal gland enlargement
Large destructive bone lesion
Large orbit
Laryngeal tumor
Lateral extraconal lesion
Lateral ventricle body lesion
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Liver lesion with fluid-fluid level
Liver lesion with T2 hypointense rim
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Localized bulge of renal outline
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Localized periosteal reaction
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lymph node filling defect
Lymphadenopathy in celiac axis
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Mandibular periostitis
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Markedly enhancing intracranial lesion
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mass in scrotum
Mass-like perihilar opacity
Massive pleural effusion
Masticator space lesion
Medial deviation of upper ureter
Mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
Metaphyseal bone lesion
Metaphyseal fragmentation
Metaphyseal irregularity
Metaphyseal sclerosis
Metaphyseal spur
Middle cranial fossa lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Mucoid impaction
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multilocular or complex renal mass
Multiple discrete intraparotid lesions
Multiple fractures
Multiple intracranial calcification
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Neonatal renal mass
Non-germ cell testicular tumor
Nonfunction of part of kidney
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Omental cake
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Optic nerve tram-track sign
Orbital bony defect
Orbital mass
Orbital wall lesion
Oropharyngeal lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
Paranasal sinus mass
Parasellar lesion
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Pathologic fracture
Pelvic mass in an infant or child
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Pericoronal radiolucency in the jaw
Periosteal new bone formation in a child
Periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
Peripheral lung lesion
Peritoneal disease
Permeative osteolytic lesion
Pineal region lesion
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural thickening
Polyostotic bone lesions in an infant or young child
Portal vein thrombosis
Posterior fossa cystic lesion
Posterior fossa tumor in a child
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Posterior skull base lesion
Presacral mass
Pterygopalatine fossa lesion
Pulmonary disease in an immunodeficient patient
Pyriform sinus mass
Radiolucent metaphyseal bands
Regional osteoporosis
Renal mass in a child
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retroperitoneal lymph node enlargement
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Rib lesion in a child
Right anterior cardiophrenic angle lesion
Ring-enhancing intracranial lesion
Sacrococcygeal mass
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerotic clavicle
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sellar lesion
Shaggy lung nodule
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Solid extratesticular mass in scrotum
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solid ovarian tumor
Solid pelvic mass
Solid testicular mass
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary ill-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary irregular cavitary lung lesion
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary permeative metaphyseal lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary pulmonary mass
Solitary pulmonary nodule
Solitary sharply-outlined cavitary lung lesion
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Sonographically ill-defined renal parenchymal mass
Spiculated periosteal reaction
Spinal block
Subcutaneous tumor
Subependymal tumor spread
Supraglottic mass
T1-hyperintense adnexal mass
T1-hyperintense adrenal mass
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
T1-isointense intracranial lesion
T2-hyperintense adnexal mass
T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T2-hyperintense intraluminal gallbladder lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense periportal tissue
T2-hypointense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense liver lesion
T2-intermediate adrenal mass
T2-intermediate myometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate renal mass
Temporal bone osteolysis
Thick clavicle
Thick-walled lung cavity
Thin-walled lung cavity
Thyroid lesion
Tracheal tumor
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
Tumor-like bone destruction with little periosteal reaction
Unilateral diffuse lung disease
Unilateral exophthalmos
Unilateral hilar enlargement
Unilateral testicular tumor
Ureteral stricture
Ureteral tumor
Urethral filling defect
Urethral tumor
Vaginal fistula
Vascular sinonasal mass with flow voids
Vertebral neoplasm
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
Wedged vertebra
Wide mediastinum
Widening of duodenal C-loop
Widespread periosteal reaction
May Be Caused by
Adenocarcinoma of lung
Adenocarcinoma of ovary
Islet cell carcinoma
Lung cancer
Teratoid tumor
Metastatic disease
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal laryngeal cartilage
Abnormal odontoid process
Acquired acro-osteolysis of one digit
Acquired posterior neural arch defect
Acquired skull defect
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Anterior third ventricle lesion
Appendiceal mass
Arterial hyperenhancement of focal liver lesion
Avascular intracranial mass
Avascular renal mass
Avascular zone near the brain surface
Base of tongue mass
Biconcave vertebra
Bilaterally enlarged and heterogeneous parotids
Bile duct filling defect
Biliary-enteric fistula to duodenum or colon
Bladder filling defect
Bladder tumor
Blow-out bone lesion
Bone blister
Bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
Bone sequestrum
Bone tumor with periosteal reaction
Bone-within-a-bone appearance
Bronchopleural fistula
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcified pancreatic lesion
Carotid space mass
Cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
Cecal lesion
Cerebellar lesion
Cerebellar mass in an adult
Cerebellopontine angle lesion
Cerebellopontine angle tumor
Cerebral arterial disease
Chylous ascites
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Colonic tumor
Conical cecum
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic brain tumor with mural nodule
Cystic jaw lesion
Destructive lesion in petrous apex
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Diaphyseal bone lesion
Diffuse hepatic calcifications
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Dilated pancreatic duct
Displaced elbow fat pad
Displacement of pelvic ureter
Displacement of small bowel loops
Distal clavicle defect
Duodenal wall thickening
Early loss of teeth
Enhancing sellar lesion
Enhancing suprasellar lesion
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlarged superior orbital fissure
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Erosion of inner table of skull
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of sphenoid wing
Erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Erosion or widening of the internal auditory meatus
Expansile bone lesion
Extensive pulmonary opacity with cavitation
External auditory canal tumor
Extra-axial lesion
Extraconal orbital lesion
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial nerve lesion outside the temporal bone
Fatty liver lesion
Filling defect in renal collecting system
Floating teeth
Focal defect in nephrogram
Fourth ventricle outlet obstruction
Fourth ventricular lesion
Generalized osteoporosis
Heterogeneous T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
Heterogeneous T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
Homogeneously enhancing intracranial lesion
Hyperdense sellar lesion
Hyperdense suprasellar lesion
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypodense supratentorial lesion
Hypoechoic placental lesion
Hypoechoic renal mass
Ill-defined enlarged thyroid with extrathyroid extension
Ill-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Increased intracranial pressure
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Interradicular radiolucency in the jaw
Intestinal obstruction in an adult
Intracranial arteriovenous shunting
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Intraventricular lesion
Isodense intracranial lesion
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Jugular foramen lesion
Lacrimal gland enlargement
Large destructive bone lesion
Large orbit
Laryngeal tumor
Lateral extraconal lesion
Lateral ventricle body lesion
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Liver lesion with fluid-fluid level
Liver lesion with T2 hypointense rim
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Localized bulge of renal outline
Localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
Localized periosteal reaction
Long rib lesion
Loss of inner cortical bone margin
Loss of lamina dura of teeth
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lymph node filling defect
Lymphadenopathy in celiac axis
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic vertebral lesion
Mandibular periostitis
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Markedly enhancing intracranial lesion
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mass in scrotum
Mass-like perihilar opacity
Massive pleural effusion
Masticator space lesion
Medial deviation of upper ureter
Mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
Metaphyseal bone lesion
Metaphyseal fragmentation
Metaphyseal irregularity
Metaphyseal sclerosis
Metaphyseal spur
Middle cranial fossa lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Mucoid impaction
Multilocular jaw lesion
Multilocular or complex renal mass
Multiple discrete intraparotid lesions
Multiple fractures
Multiple intracranial calcification
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Neonatal renal mass
Non-germ cell testicular tumor
Nonfunction of part of kidney
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Omental cake
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Optic nerve tram-track sign
Orbital bony defect
Orbital mass
Orbital wall lesion
Oropharyngeal lesion
Osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
Pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
Paranasal sinus mass
Parasellar lesion
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Pathologic fracture
Pelvic mass in an infant or child
Periapical radiolucency in jaw
Pericoronal radiolucency in the jaw
Periosteal new bone formation in a child
Periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
Peripheral lung lesion
Peritoneal disease
Permeative osteolytic lesion
Pineal region lesion
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural thickening
Polyostotic bone lesions in an infant or young child
Portal vein thrombosis
Posterior fossa cystic lesion
Posterior fossa tumor in a child
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Posterior skull base lesion
Presacral mass
Pterygopalatine fossa lesion
Pulmonary disease in an immunodeficient patient
Pyriform sinus mass
Radiolucent metaphyseal bands
Regional osteoporosis
Renal mass in a child
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retroperitoneal lymph node enlargement
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Rib lesion in a child
Right anterior cardiophrenic angle lesion
Ring-enhancing intracranial lesion
Sacrococcygeal mass
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerotic clavicle
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sellar lesion
Shaggy lung nodule
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Solid extratesticular mass in scrotum
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solid ovarian tumor
Solid pelvic mass
Solid testicular mass
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary ill-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary irregular cavitary lung lesion
Solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary permeative metaphyseal lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Solitary pulmonary mass
Solitary pulmonary nodule
Solitary sharply-outlined cavitary lung lesion
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Sonographically ill-defined renal parenchymal mass
Spiculated periosteal reaction
Spinal block
Subcutaneous tumor
Subependymal tumor spread
Supraglottic mass
T1-hyperintense adnexal mass
T1-hyperintense adrenal mass
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
T1-isointense intracranial lesion
T2-hyperintense adnexal mass
T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T2-hyperintense intraluminal gallbladder lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-hyperintense periportal tissue
T2-hypointense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense liver lesion
T2-intermediate adrenal mass
T2-intermediate myometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate renal mass
Temporal bone osteolysis
Thick clavicle
Thick-walled lung cavity
Thin-walled lung cavity
Thyroid lesion
Tracheal tumor
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
Tumor-like bone destruction with little periosteal reaction
Unilateral diffuse lung disease
Unilateral exophthalmos
Unilateral hilar enlargement
Unilateral testicular tumor
Ureteral stricture
Ureteral tumor
Urethral filling defect
Urethral tumor
Vaginal fistula
Vascular sinonasal mass with flow voids
Vertebral neoplasm
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
Wedged vertebra
Wide mediastinum
Widening of duodenal C-loop
Widespread periosteal reaction