
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria. Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. [Source: Wikipedia ]

M. tuberculosis
OrphaNet reference
Reactivation tuberculosis
May Cause
Abdominal abscess
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal sternoclavicular joint
Abnormal sternomanubrial synchondrosis
Acquired fused vertebrae
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Acute mediastinitis
Adrenal calcification
Adrenal insufficiency
Advanced bone age
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta or its branches
Anterior urethral stricture
Anterior vertebral scalloping
Aphthoid ulcer of bowel
Appendiceal mass
Arthritis with new bone formation
Ascites in an infant or child
Atlantoaxial instability
Axillary mass
Basilar invagination
Bilateral adrenal enlargement
Bladder filling defect
Bone sequestrum
Bowel wall thickening with heterogeneous enhancement
Broad tubular bones
Bronchial lesion
Bronchopleural fistula
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcification in bladder wall or lumen
Calcification in lymph nodes
Calcifications in scrotum
Calcified lymph nodes
Calcified lymph nodes at porta hepatis
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
Cecal lesion
Centrilobular small lung nodules
Cerebral vasculitis
Chest wall lesion
Chronic disseminated air-space opacity
Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis
Chylous ascites
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Clubbing or destruction of renal calyces
Colitis of ascending colon
Colon wall thickening
Combined gastric antral and duodenal disease
Conical cecum
Constrictive pericarditis
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Cystic lymphadenopathy
Cystic renal mass
Cystic retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Decreased size of part of a kidney
Deformity of gastric antrum
Dense intracranial calcification
Depression in renal margin
Destructive nasopharyngeal mass in a child
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Diffuse peritoneal thickening
Diffuse tracheal narrowing
Dilated small bowel with thick mucosal folds
Displacement of small bowel loops
Duodenal narrowing or obstruction
Duodenal wall thickening
Duodenal-renal fistula
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Encephalitis and meningitis
Enhancing spinal cord lesion
Enlarged abdominal lymph nodes
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged epiglottis
Enlarged ileocecal valve
Enlarged iliopsoas muscle
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Epidural granuloma
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Esophageal plaques
Esophageal wall thickening
Extensive pulmonary opacity with cavitation
Extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
Extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Exudative pleural effusion
Fallopian tube calcification
Focal bladder wall thickening
Focal calcification in kidney
Focal defect in nephrogram
Focal renal parenchymal scar
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Focally dense calvarium
Focally dense skull base
Fold thickening of stomach and small bowel
Gastric fold thickening
Gastric ulceration
Gastrocolic or gastroduodenocolic fistula
Gastrointestinal tract fistula
Gastrointestinal tract thumbprinting
Generalized bladder wall thickening
Granulomatous disease
Granulomatous disease of duodenum or colon
Granulomatous esophagitis
Granulomatous lymphadenitis
Granulomatous prostatitis
Granulomatous synovitis
Hepatic granuloma
Hilar displacement
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Humeral head deformity
Hyperdense basilar cisterns
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypoechoic prostate lesion
Hypothalamic lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Ill-defined multifocal lung opacities
Increased intracranial pressure
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Infectious enterocolitis
Infectious pericarditis
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Infundibular narrowing
Interstitial lung fibrosis
Intestinal obstruction in an adult
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraorbital calcification
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Linitis plastica pattern of stomach
Localized bone overgrowth
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Localized brachydactyly
Localized bulge of renal outline
Localized chronic pulmonary opacity
Localized hydronephrosis
Localized narrowing of esophagus
Localized soft-tissue calcification
Lower abdominal calcification
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lung abscess
Lung disease with eosinophilia
Lymphadenopathy in celiac axis
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Main pulmonary artery obstruction
Mandibular periostitis
Marked bowel wall thickening
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mass in scrotum
Mass-like perihilar opacity
Massive pleural effusion
Mediastinal abscess
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Medullary nephrocalcinosis
Meningeal calcification
Middle lobe syndrome
Middle mediastinal lesion
Mucoid impaction
Mucosal destruction of small bowel
Multifocal thoracic calcification
Multilocular or complex renal mass
Multiple cavitary lung lesions
Multiple healed granulomas
Multiple intra-articular filling defects
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Multiple pleural masses
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple splenic calcifications
Multiple ureteral filling defects
Mural ureteral filling defect
Mycobacterial infection
Mycotic aneurysm
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nerve root enhancement
Nonfunction of part of kidney
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Omental cake
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Paralyzed hemidiaphragm
Paranasal sinus mass
Pericardial effusion
Pericolic abscess
Perinephric abscess
Perinephric hematoma
Peritoneal disease
Pharyngeal infection
Phrenic nerve paralysis or dysfunction
Pleural calcification
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural effusion with enlarged heart
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Pleural thickening
Postbulbar duodenal ulcer
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Prepyloric inflammation
Prepyloric scarring
Prepyloric stricture
Presacral sinus tract
Pulmonary disease in an immunodeficient patient
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary lobar consolidation
Pulmonary segmental consolidation
Radiolucent skull lesion
Radiopaque hemithorax
Rectal disease
Rectovaginal fistula
Recurrent pneumonia
Renal cortical necrosis
Renal mass with calcification
Renal papillary necrosis
Retrocardiac lesion
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerosis of bone with periosteal reaction
Scrotal calcification
Segmental bowel wall thickening
Segmental narrowing of colon
Seminal vesicle calcification
Shaggy lung nodule
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Small lung nodules
Small urinary bladder
Solid liver lesion in adult
Solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
Solid renal mass
Solitary irregular cavitary lung lesion
Solitary large calcified soft tissue mass adjacent to bone
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
Solitary sharply-outlined cavitary lung lesion
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spina ventosa
Spinal block
Splenic calcification
Splenomegaly with diffuse hyperechoic pattern
Stricture of bronchus
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
Superior vena cava syndrome
Symmetric bowel wall thickening
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T2-hyperintense adrenal mass
T2-hyperintense gyriform cortical lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-intermediate adrenal mass
Terminal ileum lesion
Testicular calcification
Thick periosteal reaction along bone shaft
Thick-walled lung cavity
Thin-walled lung cavity
Ulcerating bowel disease
Unilateral adrenal enlargement
Unilateral diffuse lung disease
Unilateral nasal cavity mass
Unilateral pulmonary fibrosis
Unilateral renal nonfunction
Unilateral small kidney
Unilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
Upper lung disease
Ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
Ureteral extravasation or fistula
Ureteral stricture
Urethral fistula
Urinary tract calculus
Vaginal fistula
Vas deferens calcification
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vesicoureteral reflux
Vocal cord paralysis or paresis
Wedged vertebra
Well-defined infectious bone lesion
Widespread abdominal calcifications
Widespread irregular esophageal mucosa
Widespread small irregular lung opacities
Widespread soft-tissue calcification
M. tuberculosis
Abdominal abscess
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal sternoclavicular joint
Abnormal sternomanubrial synchondrosis
Acquired fused vertebrae
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Acute mediastinitis
Adrenal calcification
Adrenal insufficiency
Advanced bone age
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta or its branches
Anterior urethral stricture
Anterior vertebral scalloping
Aphthoid ulcer of bowel
Appendiceal mass
Arthritis with new bone formation
Ascites in an infant or child
Atlantoaxial instability
Axillary mass
Basilar invagination
Bilateral adrenal enlargement
Bladder filling defect
Bone sequestrum
Bowel wall thickening with heterogeneous enhancement
Broad tubular bones
Bronchial lesion
Bronchopleural fistula
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcification in bladder wall or lumen
Calcification in lymph nodes
Calcifications in scrotum
Calcified lymph nodes
Calcified lymph nodes at porta hepatis
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
Cecal lesion
Centrilobular small lung nodules
Cerebral vasculitis
Chest wall lesion
Chronic disseminated air-space opacity
Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis
Chylous ascites
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Clubbing or destruction of renal calyces
Colitis of ascending colon
Colon wall thickening
Combined gastric antral and duodenal disease
Conical cecum
Constrictive pericarditis
Cyst-like mandibular lesion
Cystic jaw lesion
Cystic lymphadenopathy
Cystic renal mass
Cystic retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Decreased size of part of a kidney
Deformity of gastric antrum
Dense intracranial calcification
Depression in renal margin
Destructive nasopharyngeal mass in a child
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Diffuse peritoneal thickening
Diffuse tracheal narrowing
Dilated small bowel with thick mucosal folds
Displacement of small bowel loops
Duodenal narrowing or obstruction
Duodenal wall thickening
Duodenal-renal fistula
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Encephalitis and meningitis
Enhancing spinal cord lesion
Enlarged abdominal lymph nodes
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged epiglottis
Enlarged ileocecal valve
Enlarged iliopsoas muscle
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Epidural granuloma
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Esophageal plaques
Esophageal wall thickening
Extensive pulmonary opacity with cavitation
Extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
Extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Exudative pleural effusion
Fallopian tube calcification
Focal bladder wall thickening
Focal calcification in kidney
Focal defect in nephrogram
Focal renal parenchymal scar
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Focally dense calvarium
Focally dense skull base
Fold thickening of stomach and small bowel
Gastric fold thickening
Gastric ulceration
Gastrocolic or gastroduodenocolic fistula
Gastrointestinal tract fistula
Gastrointestinal tract thumbprinting
Generalized bladder wall thickening
Granulomatous disease
Granulomatous disease of duodenum or colon
Granulomatous esophagitis
Granulomatous lymphadenitis
Granulomatous prostatitis
Granulomatous synovitis
Hepatic granuloma
Hilar displacement
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Humeral head deformity
Hyperdense basilar cisterns
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypoechoic prostate lesion
Hypothalamic lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Ill-defined multifocal lung opacities
Increased intracranial pressure
Increased presacral space
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Infectious enterocolitis
Infectious pericarditis
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Infundibular narrowing
Interstitial lung fibrosis
Intestinal obstruction in an adult
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraorbital calcification
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Linitis plastica pattern of stomach
Localized bone overgrowth
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Localized brachydactyly
Localized bulge of renal outline
Localized chronic pulmonary opacity
Localized hydronephrosis
Localized narrowing of esophagus
Localized soft-tissue calcification
Lower abdominal calcification
Lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
Lung abscess
Lung disease with eosinophilia
Lymphadenopathy in celiac axis
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic patellar lesion
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Main pulmonary artery obstruction
Mandibular periostitis
Marked bowel wall thickening
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mass in scrotum
Mass-like perihilar opacity
Massive pleural effusion
Mediastinal abscess
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Medullary nephrocalcinosis
Meningeal calcification
Middle lobe syndrome
Middle mediastinal lesion
Mucoid impaction
Mucosal destruction of small bowel
Multifocal thoracic calcification
Multilocular or complex renal mass
Multiple cavitary lung lesions
Multiple healed granulomas
Multiple intra-articular filling defects
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Multiple pleural masses
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple splenic calcifications
Multiple ureteral filling defects
Mural ureteral filling defect
Mycobacterial infection
Mycotic aneurysm
Nasal ridge mass in a child
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nerve root enhancement
Nonfunction of part of kidney
Nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
Omental cake
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Paralyzed hemidiaphragm
Paranasal sinus mass
Pericardial effusion
Pericolic abscess
Perinephric abscess
Perinephric hematoma
Peritoneal disease
Pharyngeal infection
Phrenic nerve paralysis or dysfunction
Pleural calcification
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural effusion with enlarged heart
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Pleural thickening
Postbulbar duodenal ulcer
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Prepyloric inflammation
Prepyloric scarring
Prepyloric stricture
Presacral sinus tract
Pulmonary disease in an immunodeficient patient
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary lobar consolidation
Pulmonary segmental consolidation
Radiolucent skull lesion
Radiopaque hemithorax
Rectal disease
Rectovaginal fistula
Recurrent pneumonia
Renal cortical necrosis
Renal mass with calcification
Renal papillary necrosis
Retrocardiac lesion
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Scattered decreased and increased bone density
Sclerosis of bone with periosteal reaction
Scrotal calcification
Segmental bowel wall thickening
Segmental narrowing of colon
Seminal vesicle calcification
Shaggy lung nodule
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Small lung nodules
Small urinary bladder
Solid liver lesion in adult
Solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
Solid renal mass
Solitary irregular cavitary lung lesion
Solitary large calcified soft tissue mass adjacent to bone
Solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
Solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
Solitary sharply-outlined cavitary lung lesion
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Spina ventosa
Spinal block
Splenic calcification
Splenomegaly with diffuse hyperechoic pattern
Stricture of bronchus
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
Superior vena cava syndrome
Symmetric bowel wall thickening
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T2-hyperintense adrenal mass
T2-hyperintense gyriform cortical lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
T2-intermediate adrenal mass
Terminal ileum lesion
Testicular calcification
Thick periosteal reaction along bone shaft
Thick-walled lung cavity
Thin-walled lung cavity
Ulcerating bowel disease
Unilateral adrenal enlargement
Unilateral diffuse lung disease
Unilateral nasal cavity mass
Unilateral pulmonary fibrosis
Unilateral renal nonfunction
Unilateral small kidney
Unilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
Upper lung disease
Ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
Ureteral extravasation or fistula
Ureteral stricture
Urethral fistula
Urinary tract calculus
Vaginal fistula
Vas deferens calcification
Vertebral pedicle destruction
Vesicoureteral reflux
Vocal cord paralysis or paresis
Wedged vertebra
Well-defined infectious bone lesion
Widespread abdominal calcifications
Widespread irregular esophageal mucosa
Widespread small irregular lung opacities
Widespread soft-tissue calcification